Wills & EPA

A simple will is a must have for anyone. Passing whilst intestate, that is without a Will, may leave your family exposed to economic loss associated with your estate. Worse still a family property may be liquidated rather than being held within your family. Furthermore you can avoid expensive Probate processess which may cost your family thousands of dollars.

Even with smaller estates and especially relating to personal items a will can ensure that your precious items are preserved by designating their recipients rather than having a pool of assets that may be liquidated.

All wills are drafted and examined by a solicitor giving you peace of mind when it comes to your final wishes. We can also assist with more complex estate planning including trusts.
EPA - Enduring Power of Attorney
An Enduring Power of Attorney is a nominated person or person who may enter into agreements on your behalf. These include but are not limited to financial agreements, including managing your bank accounts, and importantly contracts of sale for property.

An EPA also provisions for medical decisions including nursing homes, doctor provisions and general hospital treatments. This is important if you become incapacitated.

It is very important to nominate a person with EPA powers that you trust and believe have your best interests at heart. Additionally, they will need to consent to the repsonsibility and understand the role they have to play. Our solicitors take the time to explain to all parties involved the duties they may have to undertake in relation to an EPA.

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